Will Physical Therapy Help Back Pain?


After spending a busy weekend out weeding, mowing, planting, and generally making your yard look amazing, it’s understandable that your back and shoulder muscles might be sore. That is a normal enough effect after some physical exertion. However, if your back keeps hurting for weeks or months, that is a sign that something else may be going on in your body — something that likely needs more help than painkillers and hot pads can provide. If you experience recurring or ongoing back pain, no matter what the cause, the good news is you may not need surgery. Physical therapy is a non-invasive solution that can help heal back pain.

The Basics of Physical Therapy

As the name implies, physical therapy sessions focus on physical manipulations of the body, similar to (but different from) how chiropractic care works. But, where chiropractic focuses on spinal and nervous system health, physical therapy focuses more on the muscle systems throughout the body. Physical therapy is a combination of different treatment options designed to help strengthen muscles and stabilize joints. This helps muscle injuries heal correctly and, further, helps prevent the injury or issue from occurring again.

Who Physical Therapy Helps

Physical therapy can help relieve back pain and provide healing help in a vast majority of cases. Because it is a largely natural and non-invasive option for pain relief and healing, it can be used before (or in place of) surgery, not just after. In addition, it is generally the primary means of recovery after muscle-related injuries. To do this, physical therapy sessions are generally personalized based on a patient’s injury, health history, lifestyle, and other important factors. Here at Senara Health and Healing Center & Spa, our physical therapy team will also work with chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncturists, and any other medical professionals with whom you seek treatment, whether they are a part of our staff or not. This helps our physical therapy team get a well-rounded understanding of what your body needs, so we can then create the right care plan for you.
Physical therapy sessions can involve a variety of different treatment options. These range from the typical things you might expect, such as strength building exercises and stretching, but may also include supplemental therapies like ultrasound and laser treatments. On top of therapy sessions, your physical therapist may also recommend supplemental therapies like chiropractic care, acupuncture, and/or massage therapy.

Physical Therapy and Back Pain

Your back supports a great deal of weight, and is expected to bend or twist while carrying its load. There is a reason the muscles of the back are some of the most frequently injured. Physical therapy is a great natural means of back pain relief and injury prevention. The muscles of your back and, surprisingly, your abdomen play a key role in providing your back the support it needs to function properly. Whether you are recovering from surgery or you have recently experienced a muscle strain, physical therapy is an excellent option to both provide pain relief and help your body heal. The physical manipulation is gentle enough to help your body heal, rather than produce further strain. Over the course of multiple sessions, your physical therapist will guide you through specific exercises to build strength, which will provide more long-term healing and help prevent problems from returning.

Physical Therapy or Surgery?

One of the biggest benefits of physical therapy is that it is not mutually-exclusive of surgery. Largely, it will depend on your injury and what your body needs. In many cases, it may be a better idea to start with physical therapy and supplemental treatments like chiropractic care. If that is not sufficient, surgery can still be an option. But, more often than not, physical therapy treatments relieve pain and promote healing without the need for more invasive treatments. If you are unsure whether physical therapy is an option, we suggest starting with a consultation. Your physical therapist will delve into your medical history and perform any necessary tests, like taking x-rays, to see what is happening in your body. This will allow them to determine whether physical therapy is a safe treatment option and/or the right option for you.
For physical therapy treatment in Peoria, the Senara Health and Healing Center & Spa team is here to help. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.