Gut Health: It’s More Important Than You Thought

When it comes to the health of your gut, the popular phrase “you are what you eat,” holds a great deal of truth. If your diet isn’t balanced the function of your body isn’t balanced. A well rounded diet, filled with raw, whole foods – fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and high quality protein sources – is essential to healthy living and combating disease.

Why is that?

A diet rich in whole foods will supply your body with not only the full range of nutrients, macro-nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes it needs to function daily, but also boosts your immune system. The gut houses approximately 65% of your immune system, called the gut associated lympathic tissue. If you are putting nutrient-poor food in to your stomach, your gut associated lymphatic tissue will not function at it’s fullest, putting you at risk for sickness and disease. A healthy immune system simply can not be achieved with a diet of processed, sugary, foods.
Your stomach and digestive tract are filled with a wide range of bacteria as well. But not all bacteria is created equal- the gut actually houses good bacteria that functions to protects your immune system! The overuse of antibiotics, antibacterial products, meat and poultry sources that are fed a diet laced with antibiotics, and overconsumption of sugar-dense foods creates an imbalance of the natural, healthy bacteria in our bodies. Not only does this weaken our immune system drastically, but it can lead to chronic yeast infections and dermatitis.

How do you know if your gut and digestive tract are unhealthy?

Some signs and symptoms of an unhealthy gut are pretty obvious, but others may surprise you. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you should mention it to your health care practitioner. Simple blood tests are available to identify imbalances in gut flora.

  • Chronic infections – sinus, yeast, or otherwise
  • Indigestion, heartburn, or acid reflux
  • Chronic skin rashes
  • Food Sensitivities
  • High cholesterol
  • Allergies
  • Resistance to weight loss
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Food cravings
  • Frequent colds/flu/illness

What are steps you can take to improve the health and function of your gut?

  • Take a high-quality broad spectrum probiotic
  • Eat more raw fruits, veggies, and tree nuts
  • Reduce consumption of sugary foods and drinks
  • Consume only organic meats
  • Avoid processed foods, and food additives
  • Drink more water
  • Assess health and functioning with lab tests

Gut health is important and should not be ignored, and keeping it healthy and in balance is essential to lasting health.

Senara Health and Healing Center, located in Peoria, Illinois, offers a multidimensional approach to chiropractic and wellness care. Using the latest advancements in spinal and holistic health, they advance their mantra, Live Life Well, to their guests. Established as Kramer Chiropractic in 2002, the facility moved and expanded it’s services in late 2011 to Senara Health and Healing Center & Spa.