How PRP Treatment Can Help With Hair Restoration


You brush your hair every morning, but lately you’ve noticed larger amounts of hair clumping up in your brush. You look at your scalp and your suspicions are confirmed — it looks like your hair is starting to thin.

Whether you’re in your 20s or 50s, hair loss can start at any point depending on biological and environmental factors. While some people are able to accept it as a part of life, others want options to restore their once-beautiful locks.

You’ve probably heard of the vampire facial, but did you know that the same process that gives you glowing, youthful skin could also help stimulate hair growth? Learn more about how platelet-rich plasma can be used as a hair loss treatment, and contact Senara Health and Healing Center & Spa in Peoria to schedule a consultation.

Why PRP Works For Hair Loss Treatment

We’ve discussed how the regenerative qualities in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can help treat joint conditions and men’s health issues, as well as the benefits that PRP offers the skin, but those same factors are also beneficial for hair growth.

A hair restoration procedure is much like a PRP facial, as the blood is drawn from the patient and the red blood cells are separated from the PRP in a centrifuge. The serum in your blood is made up of platelet-rich plasma or PRP (white blood cells), and platelet-rich fibrin or PRF (growth factors).

The growth factors in the serum help skin and other tissue function properly; this includes stimulating dormant hair follicles. Once the serum is extracted from the patient’s blood, it is then injected in half-inch intervals along the scalp. The stem cells in the PRP work their magic to get new hair growing at the injection points.

Aren’t injections painful?

It depends on your pain threshold, but the injection process isn’t painful for most people. Most patients don’t require any numbing, but cool air or an ice pack can help minimize discomfort.

Best Candidates For PRP Hair Loss Treatment

Anyone experiencing hair loss could be a good candidate for a PRP procedure. Those who experience hair loss earlier in their life tend to react best to PRP hair loss treatment, though.

Those with androgenic alopecia, a common type of hair loss in both men and women, have shown to be excellent candidates for PRP hair loss treatment. Often referred to as male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness, this type of hair loss is very common.

When To Avoid PRP Hair Loss Treatment

While many are great candidates for PRP hair restoration, people with certain medical conditions should avoid the procedure, as it involves a blood draw.

People with chronic infections, cancer, liver disease, certain skin diseases, blood disorders, metabolic disorders, thyroid disease, low-platelet count, sepsis, and systemic disorders should not undergo a PRP procedure as it could have a negative impact on their overall health. Your Senara physician will let you know if you are a good candidate based on your unique medical history.

Other Treatment Options

While PRP is a great way to treat hair loss and stimulate new hair growth, it’s important to compare it to other options to make the best decision. Other hair loss treatments include:

  • Oral medication
  • Topical treatments
  • Steroids
  • Supplements
  • Hair transplant
  • Laser therapy

While some of these treatments can be effective, they do have certain side effects. Oral medication, like Properica, can affect testosterone levels. This can lead to sexual issues and erectile dysfunction in men.

Topical treatments, such as Rogaine, can slow or stop hair loss, but there is a risk of skin irritation, and can also cause facial hair growth in women.

Steroids are best for alopecia areata because it reduces the inflammation that causes hair loss, but a side effect includes thinning of the skin.

Supplements, while they may boast to help the hair grow, are mostly ineffective.

Hair transplants involve transplanting hair from one part of the head to the part that’s thinning. Not only is this expensive, but it can also cause bleeding and scarring.

Laser therapy is a newer way to treat hair loss in medical spas. Small studies show that it can be effective at thickening hair, and we offer the Theradome Laser Helmet at Senara Health and Healing Center & Spa as a part of our Men’s Health services.

Due to the low possibility of negative side effects, compared to other hair restoration treatment options, PRP is a great choice for those wanting a more natural option to regrow hair.

Find Out If It’s Right For You

If you’re experiencing hair loss and would like to keep a full head of hair, contact the medical spa at Senara Health and Healing Center & Spa. We understand your desire to have a healthy, full hairline for as long as possible. Schedule your appointment today.